Our mission statement for 2015-2020 was “Every member a missionary reaching out across generations with Jesus”. If you look through that past mission plan – you’ll notice that God blessed us to accomplish almost everything we set out to do. What a blessing!
But now that the mission is established as a free-standing congregation…there is still amazing work to do. Churches are living organisms. They birth, become teenagers, have children, and get older and pass on as organizations. Different events can place a congregation at different time points in that spectrum.
One thing remains constant though…the Word of our God. Therefore, Spirit of Life seeks to keep our mission pointed, simple, and centered on that word.
As we grow our challenge is to continue that organizational growth from the inside and from the outside. We are still a “Can’t wait to see you” congregation. How we get to that phrase though is going to have some different methods in the coming years.
We want to hold this vision and mission before the eyes of God’s people here. We want to continue to grow in the Word so that we may be motivated to serve others by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For short we’ll call it: GROW. SERVE. SHARE.
In order to accomplish that goal we’re going to propose some new ways to interact with the Word and Each other over the coming three years. You will find these methods listed by year under the following categories:
- Grow – How we learn the word of God together to form a deeper relationship with him and each other
- Serve – How we give of our plenty to the community around us
- Share – How we continue to be a mission church taking God’s Word to the streets.